Friday, March 11, 2011

Rumparooz OS diaper cover!!

We ordered the Rumparooz OS cloth diaper cover from It cost $14 for unprinted and $16 for printed. They have cute prints we got the Kangaroo print its super cute. The Rumparooz cover comes with super stretchy elastic and inner gusets. It has front and back elastic, I wasnt sure if I would like the front elastic or not but I think I do. This diaper runs a little bigger than there pocket diapers but still snaps down nice and small for those smaller babies. My son is on the last snap and usually with cloth diaper covers he is fully unsnapped. We are still up in the air on this cover because it seems really wide so I will right a follow up post.

Rumparooz OS pocket diaper

I ordered the Rumparooz OS pocket diaper from . They have amazing customer service and fast affordable shipping. It took 2 days for my diaper to get here which is awesome. The rumparooz diaper is a pocket diaper meaning it has a pocket in the back that you stuff with inserts. It came with a micro terry insert and a snap on doubler. The inside of this diaper is soo soft and the inner gusstets are to die for. Its a one size diaper with a snap down rise. The rise on this diaper has 4 snaps where most only have 3 this makes it so it will fit a smaller baby sooner and should last you longer. My son is 14 months old and 23 lbs and wears it fully unsnapped although he could be on the last snap as well which seems to be about how he is with most os diapers at the moment. We love this diaper we havent had a leak it cleans well and is just adorable we got the monster print.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Rockin Green clothe diaper detergent!!

Ok here is my review on Rockin Green Cloth diaper detergent!!!  I ordered it from there sight it doesnt take long for the order to come less than a week. The bag of hard rock which I need because I have hard water cost $15.95 it does 45 regular loads and 90 he loads. We have a whirlpool cabrio He top loading washer( which i do not like) I also ordered one of there cool magnetic scoops they have too it sticks to the side of the machine which is awesome. The smells we have tried are orgavana( discontinued) I wasnt crazy about that one, The plain green teas (I liked it) Motley Clean (my favorite), smashing watermelons (loved) and rage against the raspberrys (yumm). You will fall in love with this detergent if you take the sheets off your bed wash them like you normally would then rock a soak with rockin green for 1 hr after you see the water you will only want to use rockin green. I am having some issues with stink in my diapers though so I posted on there facebook page about it and she had me email her and she is sending me something else to try so that is awesome.  I reccomend Rockin Green cloth diaper detergent to everyone I meet its great for Cloth diapering and regular laundry in general it rinses clean and leave clothes soft and smelling clean. Its also great for cleaning you can use it in your dishwasher, steam cleaner , clean your toilet with it ect. My one year old knocked a plate of blueberry sauce onto my tan carpet and rockin green got it out on the first try!!!! 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I am going to do this one in the same style that I did the prefolds. So here are the covers I have and what I think about them.

Flip: already reviewed love it!!! It is our favorite cover we grab this one first when we do prefolds and fitteds.

Bummis super whisper wrap: This is the 2nd diaper we bought we found it on craigslist for $5 so decided to try it. Its a size medium in euc.  The medium runs a bit large it fits my 25 lbs one yr old with chubby legs well. Its Velcro and has decent laundry tabs I really like this cover and use it often.

Kawaii baby covers: I bought these from for about $6 a piece I have 2 green ones one blue one and one white one I like the colors alot. I wouldn't recommend this cover for toddlers or large babies. It has a snap down rise and Hunter wears it all the way unsnapped with little room to grow.  They are a thinner cover but serve its purpose I will try to get a pic of all the sizes it has so you can see. I don't hate this cover its just not my favorite.


I decided that we were going to start using prefolds with covers, it's the cheap route to cloth diapering. I put some tiny tush prefolds on layaway along with some other things back in September. I used Gerber prefold while I paid off my layaway. Later on I also purchased some econobum prefolds as well.

Gerber Prefolds: uck eww don't waste your money!! They should only be used for burp clothes or cleaning rags I now use mine to clean with. They served there purpose I guess but not well.

Tiny Tush white regular prefolds: I had ordered them from but she no longer has them. I got these in the mail last week and like them. There is a huge difference is quality between these and gerber. When you get prefolds you should wash and dry them 5-7 times before using to prep them (remove natural oils and make them more absorbent). The prep is a bit annoying especially when you have 4 kids and mountains of normal laundry to get done. They work well with a snappi or just tri folded and placed in a pul cover. I like them they are the 2nd ones I reach for.

Econobum prefolds: I actually ordered them from but she is out of them. I got a good deal I ordered 12 of them for $21. Again the prep was super annoying but worth it. These are my favorite prefold ever!! You can use them with a snappi or tri folded, it even has a sewn in folding grid you can follow so that also makes this prefold daddy friendly :) These are the prefolds I grab first when changing the lil man.

Sweet Doll baby pockets

This is a review on sweet doll baby pockets from

I ordered 2 sweet doll baby pocket diapers at the same time one in red for Hunter the other in Pink for Taylor. They didnt take very long to get here maybe 4 or 5 days?  When we got them the snap on the red one was broken but it was just a cross over snap so its ok and the elastic around the legs and back of the pink was very loose.

The sweet doll baby pockets are a one size pocket diaper. Pocket diapers are the kind of diaper that have a sewn in pocket usually in the front or back of the diaper that you stuff with prefold, microfiber, hemp ect. Both of my sweet doll babys have snaps. They cost around $6 dollars a piece so very easy on the wallet.

I like the red pocket on Hunter its cute seems well made minus the one broken snap and fits pretty well we have had maybe one or two leaks but nothing major with it.  The pink one on the other hand is huge Taylor is on the medium rise with it the elastic on the leg is super streached out and it leaks badly on her.

I personally would not buy anymore sweetdoll baby diapers I like the red but hate the pink and wouldnt want to risk getting another bad one.

Flip diapers with stay dry inserts

This was copy and pasted from my facebook review on Flip I will add an update to the bottom of how we still like the diaper ect ect

Ok I have been trying alot of new things lately and decided that I would write what I think about them after we use them. We are in the process of switching BOTH Taylor and Hunter to cloth diapers :).
We ordered the flip diaper system by cotton babies from on the 12th we used a promo code for free shipping so in all the diaper and the stay dry insert only cost me 16.95 well it took till the 24th to get here so I will either pay shipping next time or go else where.
Things that made me want to try the Flip diaper:
1. They are a one size diaper they go from about 8 to 35lbs so I can use them on both kids.
2. They have a removable insert that you can either get in stay dry or in organic cotton we are trying stay dry so you don't need a new cover every time you change baby!!
3. The cost compared to alot of other diaper such as gdiapers with gcloth which we considered they are much cheaper.
4. Cute colors lol.

So I tried the Flip on Hunter last night he is 5 months and between 16 and 17 lbs. The flip has a button down rise to adjust the size on the diaper he is on the medium rise and some room to go on the medium. He has also been a very heavy wetter lately so we thought it would be a good time to see how they hold up we left the diaper on him for about 2 to 3 hours normally I might change before that but wanted to see how well it held up. When I changed it the top part was still DRY!!! the bottom micro fiber layer was damp but not bad and the insert was heavy so you know it was holding alot of pee. The cover was still 100% dry so that in itself was awesome. We will be using the flip on Hunter more I will be ordering more this week or next :).

So today we tried the Flip w/ the stay dry insert on Taylor she is almost 2 and weighs around 24 lbs. She is between the medium and large rise so we chose the large well she refused to sit still long enough for me to snap the diaper shut :( so its hard to use on a toddler. We will try again another time.

Things I didnt like about the flip or things I wish they would change are.
The insert I wish it was a snap in insert when trying to put it on a wiggly baby or toddler the insert moves around alot other than that I liked it alot we are going to also try it with the organic cotton

Update Hunter is now 1yr old we still use the Flip but no longer use the stay dry insert we really like the flip covers with prefolds inside seems to work great for us. The flip cover is still the first cover I grab when I need one. Hunter is now around 23 lbs or so and still on the medium rise and will be for a little while longer. The reason we don't use the stay dry insert anymore is because Hunter is at the " I will not lay still for changes stage" so it just doesn't stay put so I can get the diaper on.

I recommend the flip cover for anyone who wants to do prefolds and covers :)

ps. We have never had a leak!!!

Hunter in flip 5 mo

My cloth diaper journey

When I thought of Cloth diapers I thought of gerber prefolds (burp clothes) plastic pants and pins. I also thought eww and no way.  When I had our 4th baby Hunter :) I quit my job to stay home with him due to health issues. I started looking into attachment parenting and thought wow that would be good for me and him esp with his issues. So we bought a moby wrap and starting baby wearing and we already co-slept and breastfed so we were set there but we still didn't use cloth.  Awhile later I heard more things about new cloth and was curious. A friend of mine started doing research online about cloth diapers for her sister who was getting ready to have a baby. After many hours of looking online with her I decided to give it a try and became hooked and addicted to CLOTH. As I get new Diapers I will try to review what I do and don't like about them ect ect hope this blog is helpful.